Thirty Years Later….

I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that it’s been thirty years since my daughter, Andrea’s (Andy’s) abduction and murder.  I am not the only one…many still communicate with me about how much she affected them in her eighteen years of life, as well as others...
Being a Protective Leader for Your Horse

Being a Protective Leader for Your Horse

photo by Patti Klein “…and I whispered to the horse; trust no man in whose eye you don’t see yourself reflected as an equal”. Don Vincenzo Giobbe circa 1700 Whenever I go to a competition or clinic, even at the upper levels, I see so many upset horses both...
The Blossoming of Hope

The Blossoming of Hope

These are times of Change, during which we are being asked to make significant choices during our daily lives.  I’ve noticed that Hope (most definitely spoken with a capital H!) is a word heard, seen, and felt more often .  I’ve also noticed that no matter what the...
Embracing the New Normal

Embracing the New Normal

I’ve never been what most folks would describe as normal….Right from the get-go I was born a rebel, and I remain one to this day. Things change all the time in all areas of life…small changes that are easy to adapt to, medium changes that are challenging, and...


His registered name was Al Marah Silver Deer, which fitted him perfectly. He was the essence of beauty and grace in all their aspects. His color and form filled my heart with joy, as did his kind temperament and his willing heart. “Silver” or “Deer” didn’t suit him,...