Life Coaching

Want to live a full, juicy life?

Have you felt lost, stuck, overwhelmed, unhappy, or like life is out to “get” you? Are you aware of patterns that keep repeating but don’t know why or how to get out of the loop? Would you like to bring the magic and wonder back into your life and reconnect with the essence of you?

Transformative Life Coaching is about dis-covering who you really are. It is about gently peeling back the masking layers you may have acquired while finding your way through life, and claiming the glorious truth of who you were born to be.

As so many of us intuitively know, horses are a bridge between the divine and the mundane. It is why we are so inspired by them. All the things we desire in life—awareness, balance, alignment, consistency, trust, softness, joy, and peace—horses require of us. This is where the life coaching comes in—particularly of the transformational variety. Traditional life coaching tends to focus on supplying skills and techniques for achieving goals. The horses take us beyond these, for their language encompasses more of that which is of the heart and soul than of the mind. They help us replace those old belief systems which are no longer serving us with beliefs which truly resonate within us.

Photo by Kim Walnes
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
William Butler Yeats
Photo by Kim Walnes
For those who have a fear of horses, know that you can still interact while standing safely outside the stall or paddock, or this work can also be done over the phone or video chat.

It takes a lot of courage to release your old foundation and build a new one from which you can safely stretch, grow, and create an extraordinary life. This is where having someone to champion you, to support you in finding your own healing process can be helpful. It has been my experience that therapy tends to come from the supposition that you are “broken” and need “fixing” through the medium of another person. Transformative coaching comes from the belief that you already possess the tools to heal yourself and simply need support and guidance to access them. A coach is someone who recognizes the places where you shine and holds that space for you. Horses teach you to sing out loud the song of your heart.

“Remember who you were before the world got it’s hands on you.” 

Emily McDowell

A Message from Gideon

through Kim Walnes


My mission is to help humans heal their hearts. It saddens us horses that so many people we meet carry with them an underlying sadness and disharmony. Most have separated themselves from what is essential…from that Connection which all other beings share with one another and the Divine. I very much enjoy introducing them to the Peace and the Wonder of an open radiant heart, as well as leading them to their own inner Wisdom.

Work with Gideon & Kim

Nothing gives Gideon and I greater pleasure than helping folks see and feel the Truth of themselves, and to share with them that moment when dawning comprehension allows Joy to flood through.

Photo by Kim Walnes

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